'Becoming Bulletproof' is haphazard but moving

The film follows an annual event in which aspiring performers with disabilities act out a scripted feature film.

Jeremy Vest in the movie 'Becoming Bulletproof.' A uniquely diverse group of people from across the US take on leading roles in a rip roaring Western, filmed on location and vintage Hollywood sets.

Courtesy of SuperFilms Productions

September 25, 2015

Every year, two brothers, Will and Peter Halby, and their wives, Vanessa and Ila, put together a film project at Hollywood’s Zeno Mountain that brings in from around the United States aspiring performers with disabilities to act out a scripted feature film. The documentary “Becoming Bulletproof,” directed by Michael Barnett, is about the making of “Bulletproof,” a western starring, among others, A.J. Murray, who uses a wheelchair and has cerebral palsy and plays the town mayor, and Jeremy Vest, who was born with Williams syndrome and plays the film’s hero, Bulletproof Jackson.    

As a piece of filmmaking, “Becoming Bulletproof” is haphazard and overloaded with talking heads. But as a window into the lives of some of these actors, it’s often moving. As a viewer, I felt privileged to make the acquaintance, in particular, of Murray, a young man whose clear-eyed uplift in the face of so much vicissitude is enormously inspiring. Grade: B (This film is not rated.)