The Eye of the Storm: movie review

Actors Geoffrey Rush and Judy Davis hold the screen with their craftsmanship, but the film is lackluster.

Director Fred Schepisi (l.) with the film's actors Alexandra Schepisi (center) and Geoffrey Rush (r.).

Amanda Schwab/Starpix/AP

September 7, 2012

Fred Schepisi, one of the world’s great directors (“The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith,” “A Cry in the Dark”) is working at half-speed in “The Eye of the Storm,” a convoluted family drama derived from a Patrick White novel.

Charlotte Rampling plays an Australian matriarch whose extended swan song is stirring up the anxieties of her backbiting brood, a London-based actor played by Geoffrey Rush, and his Europe-wandering sister, played by Judy Davis. Rush and Davis are two of the best actors in the business, and their brittle gamesmanship and rue holds the screen. But the film is disappointingly lackluster – a mild squall instead of a storm. Grade: B- (Unrated.)