Creme brulee with dragon fruit pearls

A classic yet elegant dessert.

A classic crème brûlée is smooth, creamy – here it is finished with dragon fruit 'pearls' made with a melon baller.

The Ravenous Couple

October 18, 2011

Kim loves custard desserts so after our soy panna cotta experience, she wanted to make something more rich, so a classic crème brûlée it was! A classic crème brûlée is smooth, creamy, and decadent so we opted not to fussy it up too much. However, we had a windfall of dragon fruit from Kim’s aunt’s garden which made for the perfect light and tropical fruit topping to contrast the richness of the creme brulée.

By coincidence, we also had a brand new kitchen gadget to play with as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemakers program. The Oxo egg beater. If you’ve ever used a regular egg beater you know that cleaning can be a pain. So what’s so special about this one compared with your grandmother’s? Well for one, the beaters are removable for quick clean up, but if a deeper cleaning is necessary, the entire base is removable and even dishwasher safe.

We love the fact that there’s a stable bridge slightly longer than the beaters that rests in the bowl, allowing for smooth, frictionless beating to our hearts content. It’s the perfect solution for light batters, eggs, whipping cream or whenever you don’t feel like lugging out the stand mixer.

Use a melon baller to make pearls of dragon fruit and finish the dish with a dollop of tangy crème fraiche and bright mint and you’ve got a classic yet elegant dessert.

Crème Brûlée with Dragon Fruit Pearls
Inspired by Alton Brown, Good Eats

Yield: 4 medium size ramekins

Prep Time: 20 min

Cook Time: 35-40 min

1 quart heavy cream
 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
 1/2 cup sugar + 4 tablespoons
 6 large egg yolks
 2 quarts hot water
 2 dragon fruit
 2 tablespoons confectioners sugar
 crème fraiche or whipped cream
 mint or basil

In medium sauce pan on medium high, add cream and vanilla bean along with scrapings until it just begins to boil, then turn off heat and cover for about 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Bring to boil 2 quart of hot water in a tea kettle.

In mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks and 1/2 cup of sugar and beat until it is smooth and turns light yellow. Then add your cream and continuously stir. Place your baking pan in the oven and pour the hot water around the ramekins covering about 1/2 the ramekin. Then pour in the creme brulée mixture and bake until set (firm but the center jiggles when nudged), about 35-40 minutes.

Remove from the oven and cool for at least 2-3 hours.

Using a melon baller, make "pearls" of dragon fruit and chiffonade the mint/basil. When ready to serve, evenly spread a layer of sugar with the remaining 4 tablespoons (use less if desired) over the creme brulée and torch (with heavy duty hardware store torch) until golden brown. Top the crème brûlée with dollop of crème fraiche, dragon fruit pearls, and mints. Sift with a fine layer of confectioners sugar and enjoy.

Related post: Mint Chip Gelato