Readers write: Drought solutions, accurate language, forgiveness in Charleston

Letters to the editor for the July 20, 2015, weekly magazine.

A traditionally dressed Australian Aboriginal performer has a drink of water as he prepares to participate in a traditional dance during an event on Sydney's Coogee Beach May 27. Australians have had to cope with water shortages through innovative and practical means.

David Gray/Reuters/File

July 18, 2015

Drought solutions not perfect
As a “transplanted” Californian who has lived in Melbourne, Australia, for nearly 40 years, I found the June 23 online article “How Australians survived a 13-year drought by going low-tech” ( excellent. During the drought here many strategies were adopted, such as alternating watering days by street number and using buckets in showers and to wash cars instead of letting water run from waterspouts and hoses. The reason we have a desalination plant, which is costing us $1 million (Australian) a day to maintain, is that the Climate Commission insisted it “was not a drought” but was permanent climate change, and if nothing were done, we would run out of water. Now we are still paying for it, our children and grandchildren will be paying for it, and no politician will accept responsibility, confirming the saying “success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.”
Wayne Day
Melbourne, Australia

Concern for accurate language
Regarding the June 29 Home Forum essay, “My lonesome language crusade”: The author is not alone in his concern about the decline in language acuity in our culture. The electronic age of selfies and texting has produced several generations of people who not only do not know how to write, spell, punctuate, or think analytically, but also do not seem to value language or care about its erosion. Dependence on electronic spell-checkers is insufficient. I am afraid the United States is trending toward illiteracy with only a small percentage of folks who work at using accurate language.
Ken Kauffman
Whiskey Hill, Ore.

Forgiveness inspiring
Regarding the June 22 online Christian Science Perspective “Rejecting hate” ( about the shootings in Charleston, S.C.: The overwhelming capacity of forgiveness expressed by so many of the victims’ relatives has united a nation in awe of their grace. Where hate tore our hope asunder, they chose forgiveness, and gave hope to America and the world.
Joy Ohler
Spring Valley Lake, Calif.