Readers write: Confederate flags, products for singles, climate change

Letters to the editor for the July 6 & 13, 2015, weekly magazine.

People hold signs during a protest asking for the removal of the confederate battle flag that flies at the South Carolina State House in Columbia, SC on Sunday.

Jason Miczek/Reuters

July 4, 2015

Take down the Confederate flag
Regarding the June 20 online article “Charleston: Victims’ families tell alleged shooter Dylann Roof ‘We forgive you’ ” ( The victims have forgiven the shooter, but many in the South Carolina government are calling for the death penalty. Haven’t we had enough death over the issue of race? Instead, let’s use political clout to take down the Confederate flag. It is easier to take a man’s life, a life gone wrong because he was taught to hate, than to remove the symbols that promote hatred. Where is the sincerity to end these kinds of terrorism – from the lynchings of yesterday to the shootings of today? I grew up in South Carolina and was so grateful to read that the founder of this newspaper, Mary Baker Eddy, took a stand to assertively decry slavery. I’m an African-American and feel that her actions at that time have helped to support the love and forgiveness that are visible at this time.
Jacquelyn Reid
Tujunga, Calif. 

Design more products for singles
Regarding the June 15 cover story “Singles Nation”: Despite the growing number of singles in the United States, there are so few social and commercial efforts to meet their needs. Personal items, food packing, transportation, housing, and many retail items often are not designed for older people and singles.
Anita Ladewig
San Rafael, Calif.

Global action on climate change
Regarding the June 18 online article “Pope’s climate-change directive challenges Catholics in 2016 race” ( Seizing on the global interest to deal with climate change beyond 2020, Pope Francis calls for people of all religions to take swift action. I strongly believe that it is important to combat global warming. The global problem demands a global solution. Citizens of the world and followers of different faiths deserve all hands on deck to ensure that global warming doesn’t reach dangerous levels.
Kent Wang
Washington, D.C.