See God’s universe

Considering things from God’s perspective brings out harmony, joy, and grace, as this poem conveys.

December 5, 2023

Sometimes there appears before us a
thing so breathtakingly beautiful that it
reframes the moment outside time. For
me, it’s a full moon-lit night of treetops
as fine openwork across a silver-tinged
expanse, or the flawless artistry of a
cat’s markings. You must have yours.

Right then, when so awed, we can look
farther and deeper, however unimaginable
it seems; we can see it as a promise
of the present truth it hints at: a higher,
indissoluble stunning – the pure spiritual
goodness that is ever present, tangible,
no matter the human circumstance.

This wondrous good is God’s universe here,
now; the truth of God, Spirit, our divine
Parent and us, His children, embraced as
one offspring in wholeness; each of us
individually reflecting Spirit’s harmony,
order, purity – our spiritual nature – all
moving together without collision; no
division in this one true reality.

In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers

Hearts open, we pray to God to show us
His universe; to feel its spiritual power
and unity undergirding all acts of justice,
of generosity, and scattering the murk of
hostility that would hide all that is good;
then, with Spirit-sprung, wide-eyed joy
that drinks in a fresh view, we catch our
lives blessed in grace like never before.