
In 1988, then-Vice President George H. W. Bush referred to volunteer organizations as “a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky.” Today’s contributor prays, “Help me to serve, dear Lord,” in her poem, which speaks to the spirit of sincerity and love for God that equips us to humbly, capably, and selflessly help others.

December 5, 2018

Give me to serve, dear Lord;
Though humble be the task,
If it but serveth Thee,
’Tis all I ask.

Teach me to serve, dear Lord;
In Thy way let it be,
Lest my will creeping in
I serve not Thee.

Help me to serve, dear Lord;
Lead Thou my willing feet
Among Thy needy ones
In service sweet.

So give me service, Lord;
How small soe’er it be
It matters not if it
But serveth Thee.

Originally published in the June 21, 1924, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.