Sarah Palin: No soup for you!

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the big Republican House-Senate dinner in June after all. Due to a series of mistakes, the National Republican Senatorial Committee gave up on Palin and booked Newt Gingrich as the keynote instead.

April 1, 2009

Well, the on again, off again, we don't know what we're doing again, dinner is now officially off, again.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is no longer the keynote speaker at the 2009 Republican House-Senate dinner in June. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has officially booted her to the curb.

It's not because she did something drastic like deciding to drive a Prius or observing Earth Hour or anything.

It's because she never accepted the invitation in the first place.

Make sense? Welcome to the Republican Party of 2009.


Two weeks ago, the House and Senate Republican campaign committees announced that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would be speaking at its big annual Dinner on June 8. We told you about it here.

The only problem was no one told Sarah Palin. Her staff said the governor would not be able to commit until the end of Alaska's legislative session.

But an over-eager staffer working for Palin's Political Action Committee accepted for Palin without checking with anyone.

"Enthusiasm during a scheduling meeting among SarahPAC members to discuss events that we thought the governor should consider attending was misinterpreted as a confirmation of attendance," Meghan Stapleton told the Associated Press. [an earlier version of this story credited the NRSC with the misinterpretation.]

Since the event is imminent (only 70 days away), the NRSC disinvited her, opting for another young, attractive, up-and-comer: Newt Gingrich.

They're ba-a-a-ck

The unidentified sources complaining about Palin have re-surfaced again too. This time bristling at the perceived slight.

"She was a disaster," one Republican source told FOX News. "We had confirmation."

Give the nameless source some credit. If there's one party that knows about disaster, it's the GOP.


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