No practical jokes for Obama says Bush White House

Jake Turcotte

January 15, 2009

Remember eight years ago when dozens of computer keyboards in the White House had the W keys removed?

It was the transition between the Clinton White House and the Bush White House and some outgoing staffers apparently weren't too happy with the results with the election. And they decided to send a message.

When asked about the missing W keys, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer responded, "The President understands that transitions can be times of difficulty and strong emotion, and he's going to approach it in that vein."

No tomfoolery

Well, there will be none of those shenanigans this time.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Scott Stanzel was asked about that today. Megyn Kelly over at FOX News was quizzing the longtime staffer and triathlete if there would be any practical jokes.

"All the keys will remain on the keyboard. I can assure you that," Mr. Stanzel replied.

Well, that probably rules out strategically placed whoopie cushions, fake doggie doo, or an ice cube with a fly in it.

Departure time

So when is everyone going to take off? What's the exit strategy?

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino was asked that this morning. It's not going to be like "Home Alone" where everyone gets up late and frantically scrambles out of the house apparently. She said it'll be pretty orderly.

"We're not going to be running around here like chickens with our heads cut off on Tuesday morning," Perino said. "We're going to try to do this in a real good way. Then there will be some staff that goes out -- as many staff as possible -- go out to Andrews Air Force Base where they will be able to say good-bye to the President."