Breaking Obama news: Selection of First Dog is imminent

Jake Turcotte

January 11, 2009

It's one of the most important picks President-elect Barack Obama can make. Joe Biden already proved that if mishandled, it can create a firestorm of controversy.

We're not talking about the CIA Director or the Surgeon General. This pick, if botched, could land him in the doghouse --literally.

It's all about the First Dog. You remember, Obama promised his daughters if he won the election he'd get 'em a dog.

The Barney replacement

Obama and George Stephanopoulos were talking about the selection of First Dog this morning on ABC's This Week. Now, Obama's family hasn't made a decision yet, but they've narrowed it down to two breeds.

"They seem to have narrowed it down to a Labradoodle or a Portuguese water hound," he said.

No Joe Biden

And unlike his vice president -- who raised the ire of animal rights activists everywhere when he purchased a dog from a breeder -- Obama hasn't flip-flopped. He's always said he would get a pound puppy.

"We're now going to start looking at shelters to see when one of those dogs might come up," Obama said.


Oh yeah, something else momentous happened during this discussion. Obama told a joke.

Late night comics have agonized over the prospects of an Obama presidency. It's not that they don't like him, it's just they think he's kind of bland. He's hard to lampoon.

Well the Bland One said something funny when Stephanopoulos asked him for a timetable on the selection.

"We're closing in on it," Obama said. "This has been tougher than finding a Commerce Secretary."

Let's just hope, unlike Bill Richardson, Obama can hold on to this pick.