Barack America and President Biden? Ooops...

August 23, 2008

A lesson from today's Obama-Biden pep rally in Springfield, Illinois:  Don't misunderestimate politicians.  They're human just like everyone else and are prone to mistakes.

But it's the job of their rapid response teams to make sure everyone knows about those mistakes.  And the McCain team is ready for bear.

Burnt by the Obama lightning-fast rapid response team earlier this week when they capitalized on John McCain's inability to say how many houses he owned by churning out two commercials in less than 24 hours, the McCain communications squad pounced on an Obama slip of the tongue and had a statement out literally minutes after.

When introducing Senator Joe Biden as his new running mate, Barack Obama slipped and almost declared the Senator from Delaware as the next Commander-in-Chief:

Let me introduce to you the next President -- the next Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Biden.

Quick on the draw, the McCain press office hammered out a statement from spokesman Ben Porritt which read:

Barack Obama sounded as though he turned over the top spot on the ticket today to his new mentor, when he introduced Joe Biden as the next president.  The reality is that nothing has changed since Joe Biden first made his assessment that Barack Obama is not ready to lead.  He wasn't ready then and he isn't ready now.

Always willing to help the press, they also provided the handy dandy YouTube video of the clip.

Not to be upstaged, however, when Senator Biden got on stage he upped the ante declaring Barack Obama to be, not just the next President, but the next Super Hero.

A man I'm proud to call my friend.  A man who will be the next President of the United States -- Barack America!

Now that's loyalty.