Apple Mac ownership climbing fast, study shows

October 5, 2009

Mac computers are considered prestige machines – fast, clean, sharp-looking, and burdened with much heftier price tags than their competitors. The wrong kind of computer, in other words, for a recession.

By any reasonable estimate, Apple ownership should be drifting downward.

Instead, it's climbing, and fast.

Today, the market research firm NPD released a study showing 12 percent of US households now own at least one Mac. Compare that to the 9 percent from 2008, and similarly low figures from 2007 and 2006. NPD also reported that Mac buyers were more likely to own more than one computer – and that Mac users are about twice as likely to have lots of expensive tech toys, such as the iPod.

As Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD, hinted in a statement, the results of the study reinforce our conception of Mac users: lots of disposable income, an interest in the latest tech gizmos, and a passion for computers.

"While Apple owners tend to own more computers and more electronics devices, there is also a high correlation among Apple owners and more affluent consumer households," Baker said. "Thirty-six percent of Apple computer owners reported household incomes greater than $100,000, compared to 21 percent of all consumers."

The Wii goes to the dogs

Nintendo is trotting out a sequel to “Wii Fit” called “Wii Fit Plus” (the branding team was out that week). Among the highlights? An option to weigh your family pet, and track Rover’s fitness level alongside yours. Read more.

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