Gulf Oil spill: What to do about BP? Would a boycott be productive?

June 15, 2010

A USA Today/Gallup poll released Monday found that 71 percent of respondents wanted Obama to get tougher on BP. President Obama is expected to direct BP to set up an escrow account so that damage claims by individuals and businesses along the Gulf Coast could be assured payment.

Meanwhile, around the country citizens are asking what they can do to help. Obama has encouraged people to visit the untouched beaches and help tourism. But some are starting to talk about a boycott.

What do you think?

People have used boycotts to make a symbolic statement, to affect change, or change a cultural dynamic by making a pariah out of something. Does it make sense to boycott in this situation?

What would the purpose of a BP boycott be – and would it be constructive?

Share your constructive ideas on the form below: