Spiritual relief at tax time

A Christian Science perspective.

April 9, 2010

As North Americans scramble to file their taxes this month, many of us feel like we could use a break. While we figure out tax forms and finalize all the numbers, it may be tempting to tweak the figures so we can hang on to a few more hard-earned dollars, especially when some people seem to get away with it.

But a friend whom I deeply respect showed me another way to look at this subject. He once told me he makes sure to report all his business income with the specific intent that he can pay his fair share of taxes. He has a nonmainstream occupation with unpredictable income, yet he lives an abundant life.

When I thought this over, it made sense. Rather than resenting the “tax grab,” we can prayerfully affirm that elected officials can express the intelligence and honesty that are theirs as children of divine Mind, God. This is an effective way to help ensure the honest management of taxpayer dollars. The Bible expresses this recognition of God’s guiding wisdom: “May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth” (Ps. 67:4, New International Version). Many individuals in the Bible consistently perceived this divine influence for good, as witnessed in this passage: “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power ... for everything in heaven and earth is yours.... You are exalted as head over all.... In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all” (I Chron. 29:11, 12, New International Version).

When we look at life from this spiritual standpoint, it’s easier to see that Jesus’ guidance can change our attitude toward collective demands like taxes. When tax money was needed, he instructed his disciple Peter to find it in a fish’s mouth (see Matt. 17:27), indicating that it’s divinely natural to find whatever we need. Tax time can be an opportunity to see God’s provision for us in more spiritual terms. Instead of thinking that our income is uncertain, we can challenge limited thinking with confidence that our divine Father-Mother, whom the Bible describes as Love itself, provides generously for His-Her creation. Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Monitor, wrote: “Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us” (“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 79).

Being self-employed, I’ve found that applying these ideas leads to an increased sense of abundance in all areas of life. I’ve come to view my “income” as the constructive ideas and inspiration that come to me from infinite divine Mind through prayer. This inexhaustible source can never be depleted. By listening for these ideas, I’ve been guided to productive activity and increased opportunities.

As we expand the loving embrace of our prayers to include all nations and their taxpayers, we can support the integrity of political leaders through prayer that recognizes their spirituality and their natural inclination to reflect the integrity, intelligence, and truthfulness of their Creator, the one Mind. God is unfolding a plan of good for individuals throughout the globe. God’s divine message, the Christ, is always active in human consciousness, and everyone is created to be receptive to this spiritual wisdom.

As we listen for and follow God’s plan, we’ll find that He provides everything we need to carry out that plan. Aligning our thought with divine Principle, God, by expressing such qualities as honesty, patience, kindness, and love, we experience the complete protection of this all-encompassing Principle.

The abundance of all God’s goodness is ours. Science and Health describes divine Life and Love as “enlightening and sustaining the universe” (p. 538). Rather than feeling overtaxed, we can feel overjoyed, knowing that we are recipients of that enlightening, sustaining power of divine Life and Love.