Though struggling, small business owners push ahead

Only 8.5 percent of entrepreneurs say that they have lost their passion for their business.

A toy maker silk screens lettered blocks at Maple Landmark, a family-owned toy company that uses sustainable resources and non-toxic paint to make toys. A new study shows that most small business owners are committed to their businesses, despite facing difficulty.

Nicole Hill/The Christian Science Monitor/File

May 18, 2010

Author and blogger Barry Moltz recently conducted a survey of small business owners to find out where they are stuck or struggling in their businesses.

Slightly more than one in four reported that everything is OK and the business is growing.

The rest seem to be struggling right now -- or as Barry likes to term it, "stuck." The biggest challenges Barry identified in his survey are consistent with most of the other recent surveys. The biggest struggles are with cash flow (36.3%) and an inability to generate sales (32.5%).

One of the more interesting findings was that even with so many small business owners reporting struggles, only 8.5% said that they have lost their passion for their business.

The resiliency and fortitude of entrepreneurs shines through again!

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