Googlicious: Everything's coming up Google

Between the Google-subsidized Atlantic wind farm, the proposed Google Price Index, and Google's self-driving car, it's hard to imagine any frontier Google isn't moving towards.

A seagull flies past wind turbines at Thanet Offshore Wind Farm off the coast of southern England, Sept. 23. Thanet farm is currently the world's largest operational offshore wind farm, but Google's proposed wind farm would dwarf it in scale, reaching 350 miles along America's Atlantic seaboard.

Stefan Wermuth / Reuters / File

October 13, 2010

If any institution can make wind power work, and make it economically viable, it is Google. Announcement of its plans here. “When built out, the Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC) backbone will stretch 350 miles off the coast from New Jersey to Virginia and will be able to connect 6,000MW of offshore wind turbines. That’s equivalent to 60% of the wind energy that was installed in the entire country last year and enough to serve approximately 1.9 million households.”

Then there’s the Google Price Index, which surely shows a “deflationary” trend, meaning that prices are falling.

Oh, also, there’s the car that drives itself.

With all this incredible activity, it is surely only a matter of time before the government crushes the company.

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