Three things Moses teaches us about money

There are lessons to be learned from Moses and the way he viewed and handled money.

There are lessons to be learned from Moses and the way he viewed and handled money.


March 24, 2010

Hebrews chapter 11 is one of the most famous chapters in all the Bible. Known as the Hall of Faith – or the Hall of Fame for Faith – this chapter highlights the heroes of the Christianity.

But it doesn’t just feature the heroes themselves, it really underlines their faith! Often we forget that these heroes were just ordinary men and women.

None thought to themselves, “Hey, I’m a Bible character, I need to put on a good show here!” Rather, they were living life, going day-by-day and putting their trust in a Sovereign God.

The chapter emphasizes their faith in God, and they knew that no matter the circumstances He would never leave them nor forsake them.

One of my favorite highlights in this chapter is about Moses, the great leader of Israel who helped orchestrate the exodus out of Egypt, and the writer of the first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch.

Here’s what Hebrews 11:24-26 has to say about this hero of the faith:

By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward.

So here are three things we can learn from Moses about money:

1. He Understood the Meaning of True Wealth

What is true wealth? In a nutshell, I think true wealth is understanding that happiness doesn’t come from the size of your bank account, but rather it comes from having quality relationships with God, family, friends and others.

Moses understood this. He decided he would rather stick with his Israelite kin, than frolic with the Egyptians. He knew that he needed to be faithful to God rather than live for the pleasures of Egypt.

Moses figured it out early, and his life was devoted to these relationships rather than moving up the Pharaoh ladder!

2. He Knew Where His Treasure Was

Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34; Matt. 6:21). We treasure what we value, and what we value reveals what we worship. When we treasure something more than Christ himself we have turned that thing into an idol. It could be money, fame, power or prestige to name a few.

Moses could have had all those things! At this time, Egypt was one of the richest nations in the world, the economy was booming, and life was great!

But Moses instead considered his Savior to be his treasure, and he chose not to follow after the luxuries of Egypt!

3. He Was Focused on the Greater Reward

It seems so hard in this day and age of immediate gratification not to get swept up in wanting what we want when we want it! If we see something we like, we buy it without much thought at how this will impact our situation.

But not Moses. He was focused on a much greater reward. He was happy to delay his gratification for material riches, success and fame because he knew that his reward was in heaven. He knew he wouldn’t receive his reward immediately, but that with faithful perseverance and through faith, he would someday see the greatness of an eternity with his God.

How Should We Respond?

Here we are – trying to live faithfully day-by-day, so how should we respond?

I think we should seriously consider Moses’ example and realize that Christ is our greatest treasure and a deep and passionate relationship with Him is really what we long for.

Let’s challenge each other to fight the temptation to love our money , and rather than spending it on fleeting pleasures let’s encourage one another to use our money to impact others for the kingdom of God – for His glory, others good and our joy.

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