See the only available film footage of Anne Frank

October 9, 2009

In reviewing Francine Prose's powerfully discerning new book "Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife" for, Barbara Bamberger Scott predicts that Prose's work will "undoubtedly prompt us to re-read young Anne's diary as a multi-layered work." Now, to add to those layers, there's a glimpse of Anne on film.

The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam has now loaded the only existing film images of the young girl onto YouTube. The 20-second film from 1941 shows a 13-year-old Anne eagerly leaning out of a window in her parents' apartment to catch a glimpse of a neighbor as she and her groom leave the house on their wedding day. The wedding took place a year before the Frank family went into hiding.

Annemarie Bekker, from the Anne Frank House told the Guardian that, "The museum has had the footage for some time, but thought YouTube would be a good platform to show the film and the other films about her life. It's another way to bring the life of Anne Frank to the attention of younger people, and all people worldwide."

Apparently the married couple (who are still alive) watched the film again in the 1950s after Anne had become famous through her diary and recognized her. They first gave a short clip of the film to Anne's father, Otto, and more recently offered the longer 20-second version to the museum.

According to the Guardian, as of a week ago, the film had already attracted more than 275,000 views and " scores" of comments. They quoted two: "Gave me chills to see her in the video." Another viewer wrote: "Who knows what she could have become."

You can see the whole Guardian piece (with a link to the film) here.