Letters to the Editor

Readers write about American consumers, the availability of airspace, independent candidates, and elections as popularity contests.

November 27, 2007

American consumers should buy American products

Regarding the Nov. 23 article, "Europe faults Apple for 'anticompetitive' iPhone deals": We have to wonder what Europe is all about when it comes to competition. Obviously, the Europeans can't allow American business and innovation to operate freely. The governments there are intent on limiting outside (that is to say, American) competition. The obvious conclusion is that the Europeans aren't able to compete with us fairly.

This leads us, as consumers, to ask ourselves: Do we buy Chinese products, which are not safe, or do we purchase goods made in Europe, where our companies are not allowed to compete without European companies crying to their mommy governments?

Wait! Here's an idea: Buy American.

No, that won't fly. It's too politically incorrect, and that's a shame.

Lynda Washington
Fort Worth, Texas

Danger: More airspace available

Regarding your Nov. 23 editorial, "Flight delays start in Washington," President Bush's opening more airspace from the military for commercial traffic only makes for more danger.

It allows more planes in the air with nowhere to land them. Holding patterns will be larger, and fuel will get lower. We need more runways and more air-traffic controllers to watch them.

Hope Gramlich
Coconut Creek, Fla.

The voice of independents is heard

In response to the Nov. 20 article, "In New Hampshire, the swing voters who count first": Bravo New Hampshire independents! I know your frustration with the presidential offerings. But at least your voices are among the growing number of independents who must be heard by those who want to lead our country.

For too long, politicians at all levels have been pandering to the politically correct groupies and corporate (and other) elitists. They would be wise to start listening to you and the rest of us who are independents; our numbers are rapidly growing! So far, none of the candidates impress me much as far as making America great again. Unfortunately you, like the rest of us, will have to choose the best of the worst.

Norm Rourke
Beggs, Okla.

Elections are not popularity contests

Regarding Walter Rodgers's Nov. 14 Opinion piece, "How not to judge a politician": True, Americans vote from their gut, their fantasy, or just don't vote.

Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner by some. Because of who Mrs. Clinton is? Because of her articulation of the issues and her vision for America? No, because she's a woman and married to Bill Clinton. She survived vicious Republican attacks. Therefore, she is strong enough to be commander in chief. She was first lady. Therefore, she gained experience to make the best decisions for America.

The public is fed all this by the mainstream media. The media tell us they are fed by the polls. But the Iowa population is not as easily seduced by celebrity politics as the national population is.

There are too many professional consultants and special interests working the system. Too much money driving the agendas. Too much celebrity. It's much like a high school popularity contest.

It's scary for the future to think that the public does not take their votes seriously enough. It's not just guts. It's thinking seriously, as well.

You need to do the homework, like it or not.

Ann L. Yurek
Wilmington, Mass.

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