Letters to the Editor

Readers comment on today's antiwar camp, antipornography measures, and a touching story from Haiti.

April 4, 2007

Antiwar camp defends its place in US history

Regarding Mackubin Thomas Owens's March 30 Opinion piece, "When dissent becomes obstruction": I strongly disagree with Mr. Owens's assertion that Democrats are like the "Copperhead Democrats" of the Civil War era. Owens states that the Copperheads "actively supported the Confederate cause," implying that today's Democrats are committing treason. But to compare the Civil War with the Iraq war is at least as mistaken as comparing US soldiers in Iraq with Nazis in World War II, an analogy that Owens decries.

One of the original stated goals of the war was to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime and establish a democratically elected government. Both of these objectives have been achieved, according to the administration's own assertions.

The majority of US citizens want this war to end as soon as possible. Yet the president is prolonging the war. When the executive branch of government does not take the will of the electorate into consideration at all, the other elected branches have to step in. A lot of voters think the Democrats have done too little, not too much.

Susanne Shine
Zionville, N.C.

In response to Mackubin Thomas Owens's March 30 Opinion piece on today's antiwar legislators: Rather than focus on the Civil War, Mr. Owens should have chosen the more-germane Vietnam War.

Those of us who marched in opposition to the Vietnam War were vilified and told that, because of us, the dominoes would fall. But the dominoes remained upright, and now American investors rush to participate in the Vietnamese economy. A military response has its place – for example, after the attack on Pearl Harbor – but astute diplomacy is far preferable. And it is the best bet in Iraq.

Ralph Baierlein
Flagstaff, Ariz.

Parents make the best smut filter

In response to Cathy Ruse's April 2 Opinion piece, "A shameful surrender to porno­graphers": As a father of four, I am appalled by the availability of all sexually explicit material in our society. I feel that many TV commercials shown during daytime hours are inappropriate, and I don't even have cable.

However, the safety, well-being, and educa­tion of my children are ultimately my responsibility. They are much too important to be delegated to another. If unsupervised children view pornography on the Internet, can their parents honestly blame Congress, the Supreme Court, or some anonymous social deviant?

The world is full of dangers. Expecting our government to legislate them out of existence is not only impractical but also threatens all the liberties we enjoy. I do not condone diminishing any civil liberty just because it is abused by a few.

Kyle Reid
Louisiana, Mo.

Look at the hope in Haiti

In response to the March 28 article, "Haiti's street kids given a lift": I want to express our great appreciation for this excellent article and photojournalism in regard to Project Pierre Toussaint, which provides schooling to street children in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti. I have been involved in supporting the project and visiting there regularly for the past 11 years.

It is a miracle of progress that has touched the lives of many people in Haiti and in the United States.

Thank you for bringing this amazing story of the dream of one young man, Doug Perlitz, to the attention of readers.

Paul Carrier
Chairman, Project Pierre Toussaint
Fairfield, Conn.

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