Letters to the Editor

Readers comment on the cause of home foreclosures, the ethical implications of the Iditarod, and Rhonda Byrne's 'The Secret.'

April 2, 2007

Foreclosures forewarn decline of American dream

Regarding the March 27 article, "Foreclosures put US housing recovery at risk": Why can't these homeowners keep up their payments, especially when variable interest rates cause monthly payments to increase?

Could it be that wages are not rising fast enough? Could it be that higher medical bills and energy costs are siphoning off income that they could have applied to their mortgage? Mortgage payments are just one item in a family's budget, albeit a big one.

The media should take a look at families' whole budgets and the economic forces that are squeezing lower-income workers out of their homes. They should look at what's happening to the American dream for those starting low on the ladder.

Laurie Craw
Cave Spring, Ga.

Don't whitewash 'I-hurt-a-dog' race

Regarding the March 26 article, "Iditarod's passionate pull": I was shocked and thoroughly disgusted with the article's contents.

This article was nothing more than a fluff piece that seemed to promote one of the most barbaric of all events.

It included a comment regarding "one to two deaths per Iditarod." Then there was the brief comment of disqualification of a musher for beating his sled-dog team.

How sad! The name "I-hurt-a-dog" is not forceful enough. "I-killed-a-dog" or "I-maimed-a-dog" seems to be much more fitting.

Jim Burris
Seguin, Texas

'Secret': Old truths or New Age?

Regarding the March 28 article, " 'The Secret,' a phenomenon, is no mystery to many": I'm glad to see that the article on Rhonda Byrne's book, "The Secret," included some pointed and incisive criticisms of the book and its purported "secret." The last thing this world needs is more New Age mishmash pedaling pat, easy answers to the all-too-complex problems that characterize our lives.

Two thousand years ago, the Stoic philosopher Epictetus taught that the key to happiness (not necessarily wealth or success) was being able to tell the difference between things you can and can't control.

It seems that the secret of "The Secret" is not only that everything is magically under our control, but that all we have to do is think pretty thoughts to exercise that control. What hubris! What rubbish!

David J. Magaro

In response to the March 28 article about "The Secret": What I appreciate about "The Secret" is that it addresses, in a new voice, what many spiritual and religious leaders, philosophers, and wise women and men have been speaking about for centuries.

We are a world that listens from many perspectives, with many ears. Different rhythms speak to the pulse of different hearts.

Being reminded again, or told for the first time, that to hold gratitude, joy, and peace in my heart, in tandem with releasing negative thinking, can only help me embrace a more positive and fearless approach to my life.

I make a difference one heart at a time. I am reminded by the wisdom I perceive in "The Secret" that I am connected to everyone. We are in this life together. Within this energetic chain that connects us, I choose the empowerment of drawing wonder, creativity, and joy to myself.

Thus, my part in this infinite chain reflects positive life expression. My prayer is to be part of the "soul-ution" to the ravages of fear.

Jeanne Adwani
Dexter, Mich.

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