July 26, 2006

Bill Clinton, campaigning to save an old friend from defeat, appealed to Democrats in Waterbury, Conn., Monday to put aside their opposition to the war in Iraq and send embattled Sen. Joseph Lieberman on his way to a fourth term in office. Lieberman's unyielding support for the war in Iraq has turned Connecticut's Aug. 8 primary into a fierce contest against a political neophyte, Ned Lamont, who advocates setting a deadline to withdraw troops.

A bill making it illegal to help a pregnant minor cross state lines to obtain an abortion – with the aim of evading parental-notification laws in the home state – was expected to clear the Senate Tuesday. Opponents say the law would cut off an escape route for girls with abusive parents and punish confidants who might try to help them. Most states have parental-notification laws, but seven and the District of Columbia do not. A similar measure passed the House 270-157 last year.

As the House prepares for Wednesday's vote on a plan to share civilian nuclear technology with India, critics are mounting last-ditch efforts to scuttle an accord they say obliterates the global goal of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. The plan would overturn decades of US policy by allowing trade in nuclear technology with India in return for safeguards and inspections of its civilian plants.

Helicopters hoisted 23 crew members from a listing cargo ship to safety Monday, ending a day-long rescue effort as 10-foot waves slapped the sides of the Singapore-flagged Cougar Ace hundreds of miles from Alaska.

The prospect of overhauling US farm programs next year dimmed with the collapse of global trade talks in Geneva. Unable to find agreement on farm supports and trade barriers, the World Trade Organization on Monday suspended talks aimed at liberalizing trade and lifting millions of people out of poverty. Farm programs in the US are due for renewal next year, and as negotiations dragged on, the idea of simply keeping the current programs picked up steam.

The international Cassini spacecraft found the first widespread evidence of giant hydrocarbon lakes on the surface of Saturn's planet-size moon Titan, one of the two moons in the solar system known to possess a significant atmosphere similar to that of primordial Earth.