What Binds Diverse Peoples

October 17, 2003

The role of religion in people's lives worldwide continues to get short shrift from both the media and policymakers in the increasingly secularized West. Yet a new poll by Zogby International for the University of Rochester shows it remains a significant force that must be factored into decisionmaking.

The Zogby firm conducted 600 interviews each among Indian Hindus and Muslims; Peruvian Roman Catholics; Eastern Orthodox Christians in Russia; Saudi Arabian Muslims; South Korean Buddhists and Christians; Israeli Jews, Muslims, and Druze; and Protestants and Catholics in the United States. Among the findings:

• A majority in all seven countries (except Korean Buddhists) thinks a more religious society would "greatly or somewhat help their country."

• A majority of Muslims, Hindus, and American and South Korean Christians say they engage in religious practices - including worship - once a week or more.

• A majority in all the communities says that politics, not religion, is the source of unrest or violence in their own country.

• In all the religious communities surveyed, parents are the most important source of religious instruction within families for all the groups.

• More than half the respondents in each religious group - except Russian Orthodox, Israeli Jews, and Korean Buddhists - say being actively religious is an important value.

The survey has its limits. It missed great swaths of the world, including Africa - site of important religious ferment.

Still it's a good first step in what should be continuing research. Given the "clash of civilizations" theory and widespread political manipulation of religion that's behind a great deal of violence in the world today - in Northern Ireland, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and between Israel and the Palestinians - far more understanding of religion's role in shaping peoples' outlooks is needed. The US foreign policy and intelligence establishment must take notice.