News In Brief

October 31, 2000

Missile talks between the US and North Korea will begin tomorrow and could be instrumental in deciding whether President Clinton visits the communist state, the White House said. The negotiations, to be held in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, follow the groundbreaking trip by Secretary of State Albright to North Korea last week. The talks likely will address a proposal by the Pyongyang government to abandon its missile program, in exchange for commercial satellite launches.

With the the presidential race said to be one of the tightest in at least 40 years, Clinton hit the campaign trail Sunday to support Democratic nominee Al Gore. The president visited two churches with predominantly black congregations - a traditionally key Democratic constituency. Clinton also plans to stump in Kentucky, New York, and the crucial state of California.

The Supreme Court declined to become involved in a dispute over a Florida high school student who was disciplined for displaying a Confederate flag on campus. Wayne Denno, a Civil War reenactor, claimed the display wasn't racially motivated and was protected under the First Amendment. The school district argued its case using a Supreme Court decision on teaching civility. Denno initially had some success suing the school, but a federal appeals court ultimately ruled the suit should be thrown out.

Microsoft said a hacking incident involving its computer system was not as extensive as first reported. It announced an intruder had high-level access for 12 days - not the previously stated five weeks - and that the incident had been monitored. Although the hacker was able to view a source code, or the instructions that make software operate, a company spokesman said it was extremely unlikely the blueprints were copied. But some analysts questioned that conclusion and said it was possible damage could have been done. The source code in question was for a product years from release - not Windows or Office software. The FBI is investigating the incident.

Teachers and other school employees in Philadelphia, on strike since late Friday, reached a tentative contract agreement with the city before any classes had to be canceled. Neither side was discussing details of the pact, which must be ratified by by the union membership of 21,000.

The shooting of a Halloween party guest who allegedly brandished a fake handgun brought more criticism on the Los Angeles Police Department already struggling to recover from a widespread corruption scandal. Actor Anthony Dwain Lee died at a Hollywood Hills mansion after he was shot several times by an officer who was at the scene because of a noise complaint. The officer fired in self-defense, police said. Friends of Lee, who was black, blamed racial profiling and were planning a vigil outside the police division involved in the incident.

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