Today's Story Line

September 28, 2000

Yugoslavia remains locked in a Mexican standoff, but it does appear that President Slobodan Milosevic may not have his title much longer.

Elsewhere in the world, the quiet struggle to make a living - or find a balance between work and play - is reshaping societies. In South Africa, black men and women are gaining ownership of fishing boats for the first time as the all-white fishing quota system opens up.

A similar struggle for equal footing in the workplace is under way in Israel. Arabs who live in the Jewish state often can't get past the barriers of bias, a US State Department report shows.

In Japan, a decade of economic stagnation has shaken confidence in the rigid cradle-to-corporation salaryman system. Japanese now work fewer hours weekly than British or US or French employees. As a result, some are breaking with tradition by spending more time on breaking waves.

David Clark Scott World editor


POVERTY CLOSE TO HOME: Today's story about empowering South Africa's black fishermen and women brought back stark childhood memories for reporter Kate Dunn. "As a child, my family moved to a maritime community in eastern Canada. I was shocked by the poverty of the children who rode the school bus with me," she says. Kate recently moved to Hout Bay, South Africa, and sees eerie similarities: "Skinny black boys dig for their lunch in the garbage bins by the fish-and-chips shop here. Nearby, at a store selling fresh fish, a toothless, bent old woman begs white shoppers to buy her some fish heads for soup for her four-year-old grandson."


SERBIAN NAMES: The chief rival to Yugoslavia's President Slobodan Milosevic (mee-LOSH-shuh-vich) is Vojislav Kostunica (voy-YIS-lav kosh-TOON-eetsa).

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