Today's Story Line

July 13, 2000

On the premise that Christianity demands everyone get a second chance, Britain's Methodist Church is establishing guidelines for convicted sex offenders to become congregation members.

Vladimir Putin's plan for Russia includes sweeping economic reforms - and, apparently, an authoritarian tilt.

Mexico's now humbled ruling party, the PRI, must decide if it will follow the dinosaurs or the technocrats .

Canada's conservatives have picked a telegenic preacher as their leader.

David Clark Scott World editor


*GET ME TO THE CHURCH ON TIME: The Monitor's Kim Campbell is in London filling in for vacationing Alex MacLeod. For today's story, she planned to attend a Methodist church service Sunday. She caught a cab at the hotel, but the cabbie was a London newcomer too. They soon became lost. The cabbie had left his map at the hotel. "It was a comedy of errors," says Kim, who wasn't amused. After many stops to ask directions, she feared the service would be over before she arrived. But Providence, and a long sermon, intervened. She arrived in time to speak with members of the congregation. That night, she attended another Methodist service - near Westminster Abbey, a prominent and easy-to-find London landmark.


*MEXICO'S CONGRESSIONAL SEAT IN L.A.: Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party suffered a punishing blow from Mexican voters in July 2 elections, but the party did bring to Mexico a political innovation: For the first time a Mexican who resides outside the country won a seat in Congress. As reported on June 19, Eddie Varn Levy, a Los Angeles legal consultant, says he will work to represent the more than 6 million Mexicans living in the US by commuting to Mexico City.

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