Today's Story Line

June 22, 2000

If the US creates a nuclear missile shield, will the world be a safer place? China argues that it will need more and better missiles to feel safe (this page).

When world trade reigns, it pours on Calcutta's umbrellamakers. A look at how India (page 1) and other developing nations - such as Cambodia - adjust to growing global competition.

Greeks are going through an identity crisis as they adopt European Union norms (page 7).

Pink buses for women only. Can this be the answer to gender equity in Thailand?

David Clark Scott World editor


*TAKE A BOW, KELLY: After covering the protest march at a Cambodian garment factory yesterday, reporter Kelly McEvers went by the organizer's office. The Free Trade Union of the Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia is in "a small makeshift headquarters on a dirt side street. About 60 women were gathered in the cramped room, talking excitedly," she says. When Kelly walked in with her interpreter, the women burst into applause. "I think the adrenaline was still flowing and they must have assumed I was a foreigner with a nongovernmental organization supporting their cause," says Kelly, a bit taken aback by the sudden adulation.

*IN-YOUR-FACE INTERVIEWS: Reporter Anthee Carassava was struck by the vehemence expressed by Greeks protesting changes to the national identity card. She felt physically threatened and "I was accused of being a Jew when I tried to question what they were saying, to see if they had thought through their position or were simply regurgitating what they'd been told," she says. Anthee, who is of Greek descent and has lived in Greece for the past 10 years, says, "I have never seen this kind of emotion - and Greeks are passionate people."

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