Today's Story Line

June 2, 2000

Two world leaders, passing each other in the revolving door of power, will meet in Moscow this weekend. Presidents Clinton and Putin will discuss their differences over nuclear arms and terrorism.

In post-diluvial Venezuela, political and bureaucratic mudslinging slows efforts to rebuild coastal towns.

A Zulu virginity test for marriage is now being used as part of a South African effort to combat AIDS.

David Clark Scott World editor


* PSST. WANT TO SEE MY BOMBS? For today's story, South Korea reporter Michael Baker met with Chon Man Kyu, who's an advocate of closing a US bombing range in South Korea. But Mr. Chon, who lives near the range, also has an unusual hobby. He offered to show Michael his collection of unexploded US ordnance. He told Michael that because he'd been there for a long time, he knew how to handle them safely. "Don't worry, it's only dangerous for housewives and tourists," he assured Michael. But Michael was neither amused nor assured. "I suggested that Chon play with the bombs on his own time," Michael says.

*SAFE PASSAGE: Prejudices and perceptions about safety die hard. Reporter Rena Singer went to the black township of Wesselton for today's story about chastity tests. But she was told it was too dangerous to travel alone. In fact, the church minister she spoke with insisted that Rena come with a driver. And he met her on the highway leading into town. "There wasn't a white face to be seen," but Rena found the people warm and welcoming. "Everyone had heard a 'white girl' was coming to see the virginity testing," which is done once a month. People waved and smiled, and one man came over to pitch his kids' dance group, hoping for a donation. Rena sent her driver (a man) back down the road because she didn't want to make the girls nervous. "It's a shame that fear still exists in safer areas as well as the 'bona fide' dangerous neighborhoods," says Rena.

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