Today's Story Line

April 3, 2000

The US has relied heavily on trade sanctions as a diplomatic club. But the efficacy of this blunt instrument is again being challenged. Few now argue that UN sanctions are working against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

In Beijing, some 100 schools are built on the foundation of civil disobedience. Illegal internal migrants, determined to give their children better lives, are starting their own schools.

Another tropical paradise undone? Brazilian property developers don't seem to be learning the pollution lessons of Rio de Janeiro.

David Clark Scott World editor


*NO ENTRANCE EXAM: For an illegal enterprise, Beijing-based reporter Shai Oster found the school outside of Beijing open to publicity. "I just called, and they said come on down," says Shai. Of course, it's a little off the main drag. "You go to Heavenly Palace furniture city, and you'll see a dirt path. Then you go down an even more-rutted path. And suddenly, you're in front of a large courtyard and a school." he says. "You can tell these are kids from the countryside by the way they dress. No Nikes and plenty of homemade sweaters," says Shai. The school doesn't mind reporters coming by because the local migrant community has reached a truce with the police, and the publicity attracts donations.


*BORN INTO A KFOR FAMILY: At the Italian military hospital in Pec, Yugoslavia, they're calling him "Fortunato," Associated Press reports. The newborn baby was found bleeding on a doorstep in Kosovo last week by a UN police officer. Abandoned babies are unusual in the province, where large extended families are the norm, and a child in need is quickly taken in. But the little boy is always in someone's arms now. Maj. Antonello Aquilino, the commander of the medical unit, declared himself "the legal father - for now."

Looking up at all the doctors and nurses waiting to hold him, the major added, "This child has lots of parents." The doctors hope that the real parents will come forward.

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