Today's Story Line

July 2, 1999

How do you keep peace in Kosovo? It's still chaotic, and a lot depends on the demands of the sector. The German KFOR commanders have nightly curfews. The Italians are understaffed. The Americans are using clowns, drones, and a zero-tolerance policy.

Book a room at the Hotel Grand in Pristina, and you can never be sure who'll be attending the front desk: Serbs, Albanians, or KFOR. Quote of note: "From the first day I haven't seen this hotel without guys with guns." - a Turkish lodger there since March 1998.

It's not exactly beach reading, but the US released 25,000 pages of secrets Wednesday that cover its dealings with Chile between 1973 and 1978.

- David Clark Scott, World editor

REPORTERS ON THE JOB *YOU ARE YOUR NATIONALITY: Jonathan Landay was spending the day in the Italian sector and had linked up with the Serbian Orthodox patriarch as he inspected a torched church in Pec. The patriarch moved on to Gorazdevac to address the 300 Serbs who had taken refuge in the village. Jon identified himself as an American journalist and started to follow, curious to hear the sermon. But several Serbs objected. "We don't want you here. You bombed us. Stay away." It was the first time he felt personally threatened. "It was very uncomfortable," Jon recalls. As the patriarch entered the church, one Serb turned and wagged a finger at him, a final signal that he was not welcome there.

*FIVE-STAR FLOORS: On his first visit to Pristina in 1997, reporter Lucian Kim took one look at the Grand Hotel's grim lobby - and the sole outside phone line - and decided against staying. He tried the Bozur Hotel down the road, only to discover that it was booked full with Serb refugees from Croatia. Eventually he got lodging in a private home. In fact, Lucian has never slept in a Grand Hotel bed. But recently, after a long evening of work at the media center in the hotel, a Serbian journalist invited Lucian to crash in his room. Lucian slept on the floor.

FOLLOW-UP ON A MONITOR STORY *GREEN ENERGY: Wednesday's Monitor covered the fast rise of wind energy as a major power source. Now, a Reuters report indicates that residents of Toronto, Canada, will soon have the option of purchasing energy (at a "slightly higher" cost) produced from new wind turbines on Toronto's lakefront. Toronto Hydro says it will build two 20-story waterfront windmills by next year capable of providing 25 percent of the electricity needs of 1,000 households.

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