Today's Story Line

May 28, 1999

The international indictment of top Serb leaders, including Slobodan Milosevic, for war crimes may prolong NATO's war against Yugoslavia.

Asia is bouncing back from its economic crisis, but only slightly reformed.

Rebels seeking a homeland for the Kurds in the Middle East are protesting the coming trial of the Kurdish rebel leader, Abdullah Ocalan, by threatening to kill foreign visitors in Turkey (this page). The trial, which starts Monday, will be pivotal in resolving one of the region's longest conflicts.

A quarter century after a brutal conflict divided the island of Cyprus, genetic experts are trying to help account for nearly 2,000 people still missing. But the Greek-Turk feud hinders their work.

As Augusto Pinochet fights being tried in Spain, voters back in Chile face a choice of presidential candidates who differ on how to handle the former dictator if he should return home.


*LOCATION, LOCATION: Mideast bureau chief Scott Peterson got a feel for the political importance of real estate placement on divided Cyprus during a recent visit to the ultramodern science facility built in the early 1990s. The center was intended for use by both Greek and Turkish Cypriot scientists. Before the groundbreaking, the Turks wanted it placed in the no-man's land of the so-called Green Line. Developers complained about logistical difficulties, and placed it on the Greek side - pressed up against the buffer zone. Though Turkish Cypriot scientists initially crossed a narrow path to enter the center, Turkish Cypriot politicians made their displeasure known. And slowly, scientist participation from the Turkish side has evaporated.


*GURU ARCHITECTURE: Since our April 21 story on the new age of skyscrapers, a Brazilian tycoon has promised to build the world's tallest building in So Paulo, the world's third-largest metropolitan area. Mario Garnero, a real estate mogul, vows to build a 1,622-foot tower emulating a Hindu temple that will house 50,000 workers and residents. The main investor is Indian mystic Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.