Today's Story Line:

March 30, 1999

How will it all end? That's a question many Americans are asking about NATO's war against Yugoslavia. But the US and its European allies are being rather vague about the endgame. The airstrikes have their limits. The defiance of the Serbs and the flight of ethnic Albanians add new uncertainties. And the "world order" itself is shifting as NATO uses military power beyond its borders .

Ironically, even as the West was trying to bring justice inside the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia, it was losing a campaign to bring international justice in Cambodia. Any trial of the former Khmer Rouge leaders for "crimes against humanity" will likely be held by Cambodia, not by the United Nations . Quote of note: "In the end, the international community will give up. They have more important matters to deal with, like Kosovo." - Lao Mong Hay, Khmer Institute for Democracy.

Like China's rush to capitalism in the 1980s, India's economic opening in the 1990s has also created political volatility. Amid Hindu radicalism and the nuclearization of South Asia, India's prime minister is trying to bring tranquillity, at least for now.

- Clayton Jones World editor

REPORTERS ON THE JOB *SORRY TO BOTHER YOU: While Justin Pritchard was reporting Castro's police crackdown along with Sunday's historic US-Cuba baseball game, a Cuban spoke to him outside a Havana disco. Police promptly frisked the Cuban and took him away in a car. Later Justin - who says his blondness makes people say he has "tourist" written on his forehead - was himself whistled over by the police and asked for identification. He produced a District of Columbia driver's license. "Hope we didn't bother you," said the police.

*ANOTHER KIND OF PRESS RELEASE: Cambodia-based writer Chris Seper, who reports on the wrangling over how Khmer Rouge leaders should be brought to justice, has noted a major difference in protocol in terms of how Cambodian journalists operate in press-conference settings. Where Americans appear to take care in avoiding any appearance of bias, their Cambodian counterparts, most of whom work for publications affiliated with political parties, often pose questions in the form of statements of opinion. During a press conference Friday, in which a UN representative "no commented" a series of questions on the future of a trial, one Cambodian reporter stood and said that the Cambodian people want an international trial - and that the UN carries the hope of the Cambodian people to get it. The official responded with a forced smile and a slight nod.

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