Best-read books by Lewis

March 23, 1999

Although exact sales figures on books by C.S. Lewis (he wrote more than 50) are hard to come by, Lewis experts generally agree on the top three bestsellers. Some differences emerge after that.

The following are the picks of Perry Bramlett of Louisville, Ky., who runs a teaching and speaking ministry called "C.S. Lewis for the Local Church - Interstate Ministries." A Baptist minister and author of two books on Lewis, Mr. Bramlett writes about Lewis as a full-time vocation.

Bestsellers, including Christian works:

"The Chronicles of Narnia" (Includes "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe")

"Mere Christianity"

"The Screwtape Letters"

"A Grief Observed"

"The Four Loves"

"The Space Trilogy" ("Out of the Silent Planet," "Perelandra," "That Hideous Strength")

"The Problem of Pain"


"The Great Divorce"

"Surprised by Joy"

Most popular literary works:

"The Allegory of Love"

"The Discarded Image"

"An Experiment in Criticism"

Most popular collected essays:

"God in the Dock"

"Christian Reflections"