
March 8, 1999

Swinging the spotlight back to global warming Regarding "Whatever happened to global warming?" (March 3): The author listed some necessary measures we should take to meet our Kyoto commitment of reducing greenhouse emissions to 7 percent below 1990 levels by 2012. However, he failed to mention the most important: Stop population growth.

The US population of 233 million in 1983 produced approximately the emission level of 7 percent below 1990 levels. Our 1998 population was 270 million and it's growing by 3 million a year. At that rate we will have 312 million polluters by 2012. It will take draconian measures to meet our emissions goal. We must stop subsidizing big families with tax credits and institute a moratorium on immigration over 100,000 a year.

Thomas P. McKenna, Montpelier, Vt.

Your opinion article on global warming represents an incredible denial of reality. The author's arguments are based on assumptions that were thrown out by most scientists long ago. The No. 1 assumption is that the Kyoto treaty would actually make a difference in the earth's climate.

The more we learn about our atmosphere, the more we realize that climate variability is large and natural. As a scientist, I am frustrated by politicians who assume that the debate is over and we must now trust them to save us. When I look at all the evidence, I see little threat from global warming, but a huge one from environmental groups, politicians, and bureaucrats.

Jim Clarke, Ft. Myers, Fla.

Teens speak out on military service

As a teen who has put a considerable amount of thought into joining the military, my attention was caught by "Why teens balk at joining military" (Feb. 25). The article concluded that teens are not interested in the military because they are commitment-shy. Although I find this to be true, my reasons for reaching this conclusion are different. More turn away because they're uninformed.

The military has spent a great deal of money and effort on business reply mail and pamphlets, but they are not effective. We need real people informing children at younger ages, continuing to do so into the teen years. This would reveal career opportunities and also help dispel the negative perceptions teens have of the military.

Lewis G. Davis, St. Anthony, Idaho

"Why teens balk at joining military" missed one wrinkle. Teenagers think long and hard about their professions because they realize what they choose will affect the rest of their life.

As a recent high school graduate, I talked with several military recruiters My main concern was what kind of life the military could offer. I can handle orders and organization in my life, but I shrink from ambiguity. The representatives asked me if I liked adventure, challenge, and respect, but they failed to explain how it would affect a family and what toll traveling from place to place would have.

Errol King, Holbrook, Idaho

Advertising steps on toes

The article "A backlash to advertising in age of anything goes," (Feb. 22) struck a chord with me. The aggressive intrusion of advertising in particular, and the media in general, has increased to the point where it has co-opted the entire culture, not just the "counterculture," as stated. It has created a veneer of superficiality on our lives. I do everything I can to mitigate its effect on my children. I'm raising citizens, not consumers. For me, the intrusion of advertising has reached the level of harassment. There is no way I can avoid an encounter with ads at some point in the day.

Mary Ann Retailliau, Tacoma, Wash.

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