Web sites shed light on taxes

February 16, 1999

Even if you prepare taxes the old-fashioned way - stacks of forms, No. 2 pencil, and shoeboxes of receipts - the Internet offers plenty of information to answer your tax-related questions.

One of the most comprehensive and helpful sites comes from Intuit's Tax Center (www.turbotax.com/taxcenter). The site includes everything from a tax calendar to ways you can make the new tax laws work for you.

Besides highlighting its own software, Block Financial Corp. (www.taxcut.com) contains various money-saving tips for specific IRS forms.

TaxLogic (www.taxlogic.com) gives you "plain English" tips on 11 categories of tax topics this year, including the Roth IRA and the new child tax credit.

If you're interested primarily in tax information related to investing, try the tax center at Vanguard's Web site (www.vanguard.com).

And if you're considering an investment and want to think through the tax implications, T. Rowe Price (www.troweprice.com) offers an in-depth tax considerations guide.