News In Brief

February 10, 1999

but the horses didn't MIND

In upstate New York, they know all about snow emergencies. The area is one of the snowiest on the Eastern Seaboard. So it was no surprise that one had to be declared last weekend just as the Chautauqua County Horsemen's Association was about to hold its 20th annual sleigh rally. But, you say, sleighs are meant for snow. Right. The problem: So little of it was on the ground that their runners wouldn't work well. Most of the sleighs were expensive antiques - too valuable to risk under those conditions. So the horsemen used buggies and wagons instead.


Looking for a really good deal on a house? How about one whose owners are willing to give it away so they can build a new one on the site? It's a historically important Cape-style dwelling in Hollis, N.H., that dates to about 1760. The catch: You have until March 1 to move it - which would cost upwards of $10,000.

The list is out: Hollywood's Oscar nominees for 1998

Academy Award winners will be announced March 21 at a ceremony in the Los Angeles Music Center, with Whoopi Goldberg back for a third time as master of ceremonies.

Best Picture


"Life is Beautiful"

"Saving Private Ryan"

"Shakespeare in Love"

"The Thin Red Line"

Best Director

Roberto Benigni, "Life is Beautiful"

John Madden, "Shakespeare in Love"

Terrence Malick, "The Thin Red Line"

Steven Spielberg,

"Saving Private Ryan"

Peter Weir, "The Truman Show"

Best Actor

Roberto Benigni, "Life is Beautiful"

Tom Hanks, "Saving Private Ryan"

Ian McKellen, "Gods and Monsters"

Nick Nolte, "Affliction"

Edward Norton, "American History X"

Best Actress

Cate Blanchette, "Elizabeth"

Gwyneth Paltrow,

"Shakespeare in Love"

Emily Watson, "Hilary and Jackie"

Meryl Streep, "One True Thing"

Fernanda Montenegro,

"Central Station"