
October 8, 1998

Don't Blame Industry for Rising Seas

As a geologist who makes a living from making scientific and economic predictions using limited information and computer modeling, I was alarmed by your editorial "Leveling on Sea Level" (Oct. 2). There is overwhelming scientific evidence that sea level has fluctuated dramatically during the life of our planet. This is a natural process occurring over millions, if not billions of years, and vastly predates our industrial revolution that well-meaning environmental groups find responsible for global warming. The editorial cited a University of Maryland study documenting a 1 to 2 millimeter per year sea level rise for centuries along North America's east coast. If true, we again see evidence of global warming that predates the industrial revolution and contradicts the theory that pollution is the culprit.

The real story often missed in the media is that there is irrefutable evidence our planet is experiencing yet another warming cycle. And the link of increased industrial greenhouse gasses to the present global warming cycle is questionable. It is in the best financial interest of environmental and some scientific groups to blame industry for a potentially natural phenomena. What we really need is some balanced reporting before well-meaning environmental legislation is passed that could have a devastating effect on our economy. The price of this legislation will not come out of the pockets of corporations.

The added cost will be passed on in the form of increased prices for the consumer. In the end we quite likely will have cleaner air, continued global warming, and a transfer of wealth to fund questionable scientific research and environmental organizations. We're all for cleaner air, but will we get it for the right reasons, and the least impact?

Michael Lentini


For lessons in morality, stay at home

I am concerned about the tone of your "Neighbor to Neighbor" column entitled "Walk the Talk" (Sept. 16). While the column appeared to be objective, it was anything but.

Yes, parents are responsible for the moral education of their children. However, I question singling out the president's highly public problems as the exclusive basis for a discussion on morality. Shouldn't we then discuss the private behavior of those in Congress, the Supreme Court, and others under the media spotlight? I would hazard a guess that the individual quoted in the column, Mr. Abramowitz (or any other parent), could structure the discussion with his child using problems within his own family or neighborhood as examples.

I find much irony in the fact that the column asks readers to see that it is better for children to find out what's going on with the scandal from their parents, than through the media, yet Abramowitz is selling his articles on the Internet. I do not hold the view that the "scandal" is a "wonderful opportunity" to process moral issues. That opportunity comes every day in every household through individual questions and concerns.

Carolyn W. Gahr

Nanoose Bay, British Columbia

Fond memories of car travel

Paul Winston's article "Transported by Uncle Otto" (Oct. 5) hit a responsive chord. The wonderful imagery made me remember many a trip I took with my husband in a Volvo Canadian across Canada and the US in the early 1970s.

And then I flash forward to a more recent memory: my first solo long distance trip in the mid 1980s, from Regina, Saskatchewan, to Milwaukee, Wis., in a "De Soto-sized" Buick Regal. What freedom I felt to know I could travel alone safely and happily. Nothing can match the wonderful memories I've had in my many automobiles. Thank you for refreshing these memories!

Dorothy Milburn-Smith

Ottawa, Ontario

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