God Knows Your Number

A spiritual look at issues of interest to young people

September 22, 1998

There are now predictions that before long it will be common for people to have a universal telephone number. Wherever you go, whether from state to state, into another country, up in the mountains, or to the ocean, you can be called at that same number.

It's fun to think that no matter where you were at any given moment, you could always be reached. But you know what? God already has that ability.

You can never be outside the range of God or cut off from Him. God doesn't have a physical body. He doesn't take up physical space. But God is everywhere. He is nothing but good. And He is always conscious of us. Actually, because God is the Mind of the universe, He is always caring for you. He never lets you out of His sight. So, you will never end up someplace where God is not present. No matter what your situation, God will always be available to help you. Always. You could say God knows your number.

God is always speaking to you by giving you thoughts. And if they're good and helpful, why would you want to tune Him out? I've found that even though people are in the same room with me, if I'm not listening or paying attention to what they are saying, I don't hear them. Well, sometimes when there's a lot of noise or trouble going on, it's easy to tune out what's good. But that's when you don't want to tune out the voice of God. The voice of good itself.

I've found it is definitely worth it for me to listen to His voice. Many times God's thoughts have guided me to do things that have protected or helped me or my family. If you have a problem and don't know how to find a solution, here are some ideas: Get very quiet inside. Shut out everything bad that's clamoring for attention, thoughts that you're afraid or lacking something. Then listen with your heart, not your ears, to hear God's thoughts. That He is in control, that He is Love, and that He is giving you all the ideas you could ever need. Sometimes you need to really keep this up. Once, when I was doing this, I even said right out loud to myself that I would sit and listen for God's voice if it took all day. (It didn't!)

It doesn't really need to take time for you to be in touch with God. What it takes is really wanting to hear. And being willing to follow His direction. You really can trust His plan to be the best one for you to follow.

You can make a quiet place to hear God, right in the middle of a noisy room. Even in the middle of a lot of confusion, you can silently communicate with God.

Look at Christ Jesus, who helped people out of many kinds of problems. He was able to do this because he prayed. He knew that God was with him and that God would always give him the right ideas he needed. And in the Bible it is related that Jesus gave this advice: "When you pray, go into a room alone and close the door. Pray to your Father in private. He knows what is done in private, and he will reward you" (Matt. 6:6, Contemporary English Version). Jesus didn't mean you actually need to go and shut yourself up in a tiny, dark room. To go into a "room" means to "be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10).

Mary Baker Eddy wrote a book that helps people learn about God, and about how Jesus heard God's voice all the time. Here's what "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" says about that room, or closet, of prayer: "The closet typifies the sanctuary of Spirit, the door of which shuts out sinful sense but lets in Truth, Life, and Love. Closed to error, it is open to Truth, and vice versa" (Pg. 15).

Truth, Life, and Love are all names for God. When you and I get very still and stay in our mental closet of closeness to God, we will always be open to Truth, Life, and Love and closed to error, death, and hatred. Remembering to do this all day long, you'll know that good is all around you. You won't be tricked into believing God isn't right here.

God has your number wherever you are. He's always calling you with good news and love, and He has given you the ability to hear His thoughts.

Are not five sparrows sold for

two farthings, and not one of them

is forgotten before God? But even

the very hairs of your head

are all numbered.

Luke 12:6, 7