The Double-Bass Player

April 10, 1998

Not even a name like the others.

Violinists, of course. Cellists too.

But double-bass players are

A linguistic and orchestral encumbrance.

For there he is, patiently

Waiting for that bar two pages on in the score

Where he may produce at last a vibrant burr -

Seen, yet scarce perceived beyond his bow.

And as he waits he dreams.

From his mooring he watches steadfastly

The hunchback cormorant flap his wings

And swiftly he casts off.

Past the wide-kneed cellists bent on their oars

Past the violinists, frenzied vaporetti

Chugging down to the Academia,

Gondolier-poised he glides.

Punts past the trombones' mournful siren

Past the woodwinds endless chatter

Out, out into the lagoon

In search of a name.