Write Us!

September 25, 1997

Was it one you made yourself? Something you made for a child? One that didn't quite work out the way you expected? One that caused quite a stir? Write and tell us about it, in 250 words or less. We'll send a $25 check to the authors of the ones we publish, and everyone who enters will get a certificate (suitable for framing, of course).

Your story must be typed, double-spaced.

Please put your name, address, daytime telephone number, and grade in school (if applicable) on your manuscript.

Mail it to:

The Home Forum Halloween Costume

The Christian Science Monitor, C17

One Norway Street

Boston, MA 02115-3195

Or you may e-mail your story to:


Don't forget to include your mailing address!


Hint: The editor is a sucker for funny - but tasteful - stories.

Pub Date:09/25/97 Slug:25UHALLOW17 Size: 29P8 x 3.75" Copyright 1997, The Christian Science Publishing Society 1 Norway St., Boston, MA 02115

DIstributed by the United Feature Syndicate. For info call customer service at 800-221-4816.