What's On

January 16, 1997

TV highlights for the week of Jan. 19-25. All times are Eastern; check local listings. Ratings are listed for shows when available (see explanation box below).

SUNDAY - 1/19

Absolutely Fabulous Marathon (Comedy Central, 12 noon-8 p.m.): The best of the "Britcom" (voted on by viewers) is shown as a preview to a new movie (actually two longish episodes strung together). Alas, the plot is so thin and the crudity so thick that "The Last Shout" (starting at 8 p.m.) ends up more like a last gasp.

Last Stand at Saber River (TNT, 8-10 p.m.): The western genre usually requires a large screen to fully capture its epic struggles and sweeping landscapes. But "Last Stand at Saber River," written by Elmore Leonard, is a small-screen treat that stars Tom Selleck as an ex-Confederate soldier anxious to put the war behind him and Suzy Amis as perhaps the toughest schoolmarm ever to make her home on the range.

Golden Globe Awards (NBC, 8-11 p.m.): Presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, these awards are often a good gauge of what will win Oscars. Television programs are honored as well as films during the live event. Dustin Hoffman is scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award. (TV-PG)

Presidential Inaugural Gala (CBS, 9-11 p.m.): On the eve of his second term, President Clinton and his family celebrate with music and celebrity guests, including Aretha Franklin, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Stevie Wonder, Candice Bergen, Whoopi Goldberg, and Trisha Yearwood. (TV-G)

MONDAY - 1/20

Presidential Inauguration (C-SPAN, 10:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; ABC, CBS, PBS, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; FNC, MSNBC, NBC, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; CNN, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.): Controversy is put aside for a day as Clinton and Vice President Gore are sworn in for a second term. Chief Justice William Rehnquist gives Clinton the oath at noon, with the presidential address to follow.

TUESDAY - 1/21

Sense and Sensibility (HBO, 8-10 p.m.): Emma Thompson picked up an Oscar for her brilliant screenplay of Jane Austen's first novel about two wildly different sisters - not bad for the actress's first crack at screenwriting. Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, and Alan Rickman also star.


Hey, Hey We're the Monkees (Disney, 8:30-9:30 p.m.): Let's get a few things straight: First, the Monkees were not a band before the Emmy-winning 1960s TV series about them - based on the Beatles movie "A Hard Day's Night" - was created; and second, the foursome really were musicians. Disney's entertaining show tells more of their story through clips and interviews with the group.

FRIDAY - 1/24

Shattering the Silences (PBS, 10-11:30 p.m.): Subtitled "Minority Professors Break Into the Ivory Tower," this thoughtful program is runner-up for pick of the week. It examines the role of minority scholars and profiles the experiences of eight prominent ones. Their inspiring but often isolated and overburdened lives are presented alongside campus issues like culture wars and affirmative action.


Presidential Inauguration

Monday, Jan. 20

11 a.m.-1 p.m. (ABC, CBS, PBS)

11 a.m.-2 p.m. (NBC)

The following categories apply to programs designed for children:

TV-Y All Children: The themes and elements in this program are specifically designed for a very young audience, including children from ages 2 to 6.

TV-Y7 Directed to Older Children: Themes and elements in this program may include mild physical or comedic violence, or may frighten children under the age of 7.

The following categories apply to programs designed for the entire audience:

TV-G General Audience: The program contains little or no violence, no strong language, and little or no sexual dialogue or situations.

TV-PG Parental Guidance Suggested: The program may contain infrequent coarse language, limited violence, and some suggestive sexual dialogue and situations.

TV-14 Parents Strongly Cautioned: This program may contain sophisticated themes, sexual content, strong language, and more intense violence.

TV-M Mature Audience Only: This program may contain mature themes, profane language, graphic violence, and explicit sexual content.

Sports and news programs are not rated.

- Provided by the Motion Picture Association of America