A Refuge From the Storm ... And More

Bringing a spiritual perspective to world events and daily life.

November 14, 1996

The other day a young mother was speaking with me on the phone. But it was kind of hard to hear her -- one of her children was making some very cranky sounds in the background, while another was obviously crawling all over her lap, demanding immediate attention.

Another friend of mine said she could barely bring herself to go to the office that day; things were out of control and the threat of losing her job was almost suffocating.

We might be glad enough if these kinds of trying situations happened only occasionally. All of us have times when we would love to have a refuge from the storm. And yet, when the kids have missed their naps and are whiny, we can't just walk out the door and leave them behind. Nor can we skip work and sit quietly at home until things improve at the office.

When you need a break, you might find a comment I read in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures reassuring. Referring to the Bible, the author of this book, Mary Baker Eddy, wrote that "step by step will those who trust Him find that 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble' " (p. 444). Times of trouble are the times when divine aid is most needed, and when, through prayer, you can find that God is active in your behalf. Mrs. Eddy discovered Christian Science, which is explained in Science and Health and teaches that His love and care are actually constants. We especially appreciate this in times of need.

You don't need to make appointments with God. You don't need to go off somewhere to see Him. In the instant that you pick a toy up off the floor or scoop a child away from the stairs, you can mentally be turning to God and finding the divine idea that restores sanity, brings a sense of calm and an assurance that we are not alone. The wonder of a spiritual idea is not only the idea but the transforming power it has. It is the result of a divine influence that works both in us and in our circumstances.

Those who have learned to recognize God's presence and power have found that this recognition brings harmony and intelligence to the workplace; that it ends bickering and jealousy; that it promotes cooperation. The transforming power of divine ideas distinguishes them from today's common practice of performing relaxation techniques. A spiritual idea doesn't simply calm us down; it changes us and those about us. Things perceptibly improve.

At one point when Jesus Christ and his disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee, a sudden storm came up and nearly overwhelmed their boat. When they appealed to Jesus for help, Mark says, "He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm" (4:39). Obviously this was different from humming a sacred sound or consciously relaxing the body. If our home or office is being disrupted by a storm of a different kind, we would probably like to be able to demonstrate that same ability to restore calm. And Jesus indicated plainly that those who followed him could and should do the works he did.

People might respond, "If only I knew how! What a difference it would make in my life." That is why so many people -- actually millions -- have treasured what they have found in Science and Health. This book, which is the textbook of Christian Science, brings out a key Biblical point, that our lives are in the hands of God, who is infinite good. We are under His jurisdiction. This book offers solid proof that we can demonstrate this fact practically in day-to-day life, in the form of healing.

Science and Health brings to life the spiritual lessons taught by so many figures in the Bible, and shows that these lessons reveal spiritual truths that are as potent now as they were then. God's power is able to restore health and harmony today. By illuminating the Bible, Science and Health feeds the hunger for spirituality. It gives readers a true refuge from the storm. And more than that, it teaches how to find the order and calm that come from God.