
May 10, 1996

Broadening the Men's Movement

Thank you for the front-page article "The Men's Movement," April 16. It's a much-needed, updated look at what I consider to be one of the most important, yet least understood, movements today.

However, in the article I am quoted quite out of context (and incorrectly as "Dave" Brumer) and would like to clarify and elaborate.

I am made to sound as though I oppose the broadening of the movement and the inclusion of women. Yet the men's movement I am familiar with has increasingly been one of inclusion, particularly through its multiculturally oriented conferences and activities. I heartily support the inclusion of women because I believe that this work is one way to heal our society.

The difficulties that I speak of are real. Yet the best conferences, men's groups, and councils I have attended have never sought to escape from the "outside" world but rather engage it in a meaningful way. We try to find ways to create a "sacred space" (spiritual but not necessarily religious) in which to explore issues that are important to men, to our families, to our communities, and ultimately to our world.

The "mythopoetic" part of my men's-movement group involves storytelling, poetry, art, drumming, song, and, most important, speaking from the heart. What we say is offered to the circle but is not to be commented on by the others. This is a way for men to hear and to be heard, without fear.

All people should have that opportunity - men and women; the elderly and young; and all races and cultures.

Dan Brumer

Santa Monica, Calif.