Candidate Gramm

February 6, 1996

On Abortion...

Says abortion should be legal only when mother's life is in danger. Says Congress doesn't have votes to pass constitutional amendment banning abortion.

On Welfare...

Says able-bodied recipients should have to work in ''legitimate'' jobs. Backs two-year limit and would deny added benefits for women who have additional children.

On Taxes...

Favors 16 percent flat income tax that preserves mortgage-interest and charitable deductions. Helped negotiate 1990 budget deal that included higher taxes, but then voted against final package.

On Immigration...

Favors more limits on legal immigration and opposes welfare for both legal and illegal immigrants. Would double size of Border Patrol in five years.

On Affirmative Action...

Pledged to issue an order his first day as president repealing all quotas, set-asides, and hiring preferences in executive branch of government. Senate defeated his amendment to end set-asides for minorities and women.

On Balanced Budget...

Has promised to balance federal budget in his first term or not run for reelection.

On Gun Control...

Opposes it, but says Congress doesn't have the votes to repeal Brady Law, which bans assault weapons.

On Term Limits...

Favors six-year limit for House, 12-year limit for Senate, retroactive.

On the Environment...

Sponsored legislation that would have forced the federal government to compensate landowners whose property values decrease because of regulations. Favors transfer of federal ranges and forests to state and local governments.

On Education...

Would abolish Education Department, using half the savings for education tax credit to parents and half for local school boards. Some education programs would be handed over to another federal agency.