Candidate Dornan

February 2, 1996

On Abortion...

Opposes all abortions, except to protect the life of the mother when all other options have been exhausted.

On Foreign Aid...

Regards it as a ''necessary evil,'' appropriate only when it serves to promote US interests and security. Backs US support of Israel, but opposed US bailout of debt-ridden Mexico.

On Taxes...

Would replace the income-tax system with a national consumption tax. Opposes the flat tax.

On Defense...

Would repeal the War Powers Act and give president total control of armed forces. Opposes placing US combat forces under UN command. Opposes allowing homosexuals in the armed services and having women in combat.

On Immigration...

Would eliminate benefits and services such as welfare and public housing assistance to illegal immigrants. Endorsed California's Proposition 187.

On Affirmative Action...

Says he helped register black voters in the South in 1964, but opposes race-based quotas in hiring and education.

On Balanced Budget...

Supports a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.

On Gun Control...

Opposes the Brady law, which bans assault weapons.

On Term Limits...

Supports them.

On the Environment...

Supports conservation policies that are ''based on science,'' not the ideology of ''radical environmentalists.'' Would force government to compensate land-owners when federal rules reduce the value of their property.

On Education...

Supports vouchers that allow parents to send children to the school of their choice, public or private. Supports voluntary school prayer, and says sex education ''should remain in the purview of parents.'' Would eliminate Education Department.