Candidate Alexander

February 1, 1996

On Taxes...

Promises never to raise taxes, even in a war. Says Republicans attracted to the Forbes flat-tax plan are like ''a bunch of buffaloes heading toward a cliff.'' Maintains the GOP should retain mortgage-interest and charitable deductions.

On Welfare...

Favors no-strings block grants to states in lieu of federal welfare program. Would have no federal welfare standards. Proposes swaps, in which states take over welfare in exchange for federal responsibility for Medicaid or other programs.

On Bureaucracy...

Would eliminate federal departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, and HUD and send ''most programs out of Washington permanently.''

On Abortion...

Opposes federal involvement and would give each state jurisdiction. Opposes constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

On Affirmative Action...

Would curtail affirmative-action programs. As education secretary, he barred race-based scholarships.

On Balanced Budget...

Favors Balanced-Budget Amendment to Constitution.

On the Environment...

Accuses the EPA of micromanaging methods states use to cut pollution. Backs GOP cost-assessment proposal. Would increase spending on the most important national parks. Opposes cutting money to EPA for clean drinking water.

On Gun Control...

Opposes it.

On Immigration...

Would bar services for illegal immigrants, but allow them for legal immigrants. Public schools would no longer accept children of illegal immigrants, but children already in system would not be sent home. Opposes making English official.

On Term Limits...

Favors part-time Congress and term limits of six years for House members and 12 years for senators.