Associated Press

January 25, 1996

Education: Denison University, BA in economics, 1954; Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, MA in politics, philosophy, and economics, 1956

Religion: Methodist

Military service: Navy, 1957-60; served as intelligence officer under Adm. Arleigh Burke in Pentagon

Family: wife, Charlene. Four sons: Mark, 37; Bob, 35; John, 32; David, 31

Experience: Indianapolis School Board, 1964-67; Indianapolis mayor, 1968-75; president of National League of Cities, 1970-71; US senator, 1977-present; chairman of Foreign Relations Committee, 1985-86; currently chairman of Agriculture Committee

Net worth: Has assets worth at least $1.6 million to more than $3.6 million; Senate salary, $133,600