December 19, 1995

Jan. 30, 1995: Fifty years ago, Hitler's final offensive (the Battle of the Bulge) had failed, and a massive Russian offensive was about to begin. (Reprint of Monitor's front page of Jan. 2, 1945.)

Feb. 13: The Allies meet at Yalta, in the Soviet Union, to shape the postwar world. (Feb. 13, 1945 Monitor reprint)

March 6: The Allies' well-coordinated attacks put Hitler's forces in a tightening vise; the bridge over the Rhine at Remagen, Germany, is captured nearly intact. (March 8, 1945 Monitor reprint)

April 10: Why Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Dwight Eisenhower stopped at the Elbe River. (April 12, 1945 Monitor reprint)

May 5: Victory in Europe Day. (May 7, 1945 Monitor reprint)

June 12: In the Pacific war, Japan unleashes a deadly tactic: airborne waves of suicide attackers. (June 9, 1945 Monitor reprint)

July 17: At Allies' conference in Potsdam, Germany, the cold war's patterns emerge. (July 19, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Aug. 4: Why President Truman dropped atomic bombs on Japan. (Aug. 6, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Aug. 8: Russia enters the war against Japan. (No front-page reprint)

Aug. 14: Japan surrenders. The war's end also means the end of Western colonialism - and rise of Soviet imperialism in Europe. (Aug. 15, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Aug. 21: The cold war's opening salvos are fired in Poland. (Aug. 23, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Sept. 1: Japan signs surrender documents aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. (Sept. 1, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Oct. 16: War trials begin in Nuremberg, Germany. (Oct. 18, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Nov. 20: ''Who Lost Pearl Harbor?'' Congress probes the American military disaster. (Nov. 20, 1945 Monitor reprint)

Design note: The colored bands at the top of the page identifying this series are patterned after the ribbon of the World War II Victory Medal, awarded to all members of the US armed forces who served in the war.