December 8, 1995


1 Former Yugoslavian premier

5 Snow bum

10 Building site

13 Soon, to Shakespeare

14 Sierra ----

15 Teasdale or Roosevelt

16 Rockefeller Plaza denizens

18 Hairpin, e.g.

19 Vegas

20 Director Kazan

21 Ski lifts

23 Brazilian soccer great

24 Demi or Dudley

25 Pelts

27 Spring slope cover

30 Polish

31 Surf-walked

32 Cafe alternative

33 Electric fish

34 Fathered

35 Phone

36 Trouble

37 Hair colors

38 Cultured thing on a string

39 Housing at Squaw Valley

41 Hot bath

42 Baseball teams

43 Miller and Jillian

44 A DeMille

45 Great Lake

46 Lake Tahoe, for one

49 Der----: Adenauer

50 Two-time Olympic venue

53 Lay ----: exaggerate

54 Ryan, of The Beverly Hillbillies

55 Schusser's gear

56 Used a treadmill

57 Nuisances

58 Chamonix summers


1 Before gate or pipe

2 Andes Indian

3 Ballerina's pointes

4 Switch positions

5 Sizes

6 Couric on Today

7 ''What's the big ----?''

8 Go astray

9 Gave back

10 Mt. Tremblant's range

11 Hockey great and kin

12 Basker's reward

15 Tinseltown celebs

17 New Hampshire town

22 Ian Fleming hero

23 Links targets

24 Styles

25 The ---- of Araby

26 Vermont winter resort

27 Menu listing fondue, escargot, etc.

28 Tara family name

29 Gusher

30 Bering and Yellow

31 Tim Daly sitcom

34 Edge downhill

35 ---- ex machina

37 Vocal quality

38 Group of judges

40 Handkerchief material

41 Actor Wesley

43 ---- You Glad You're You?

44 Canadian prov.

45 Gets by (out)

46 Highlander

47 Heap

48 Fruit drinks

49 It's thin atop Mt. Rainier

51 Land measure

52 Imitate