October 27, 1995


1 Pouch

4 Defect

8 Was in the red

12 901, to Cato

13 Copland ballet

15 Mascagni's L'---- -Fritz

16 Celtic celebration

18 On a leash

19 Futile

20 Magazine feature

22 Averse

23 Opera highlights

25 Etonian's vacation

26 Crafts' companions

27 Fireman's cue

28 Cribbage pieces

29 Kind of bread

30 Harbinger

31 Keats' forte

33 16 Across creatures

35 Monster

37 Classic villain

38 Cushion

41 Malay outrigger

42 Burn

44 Stag or bull

45 Testing spot

46 Lint catcher

47 DC doings

48 Celestial phenomenon

50 Moe or Curly

51 Glinka's ---- for the Tsar

52 16 Across creatures

55 Common or horse

56 Nocturnal mammal

57 Ob tributary

58 He, in Aquila

59 Former Yugoslav VIP

60 Madison Ave. products


1 Learned one

2 Erotic

3 Equipped with lashes

4 First-year student

5 Actor Rob

6 Summer quaff

7 Like Willie Winkie

8 Atlanta arena

9 16 Across creatures

10 Environmentalist's concern

11 Pins

14 Walking ----: elated

15 River islets

17 Realtor's offering

21 Violent rush

23 Actor Baldwin

24 Kind of member

27 Piles up

28 Foot, to Fabius

30 Corrida cheer

32 Palindromic Indian

33 Bikini top

34 Actor Nicholas

35 Seers

36 16 Across creatures

38 Oaf

39 Made parallel

40 Has no use for

41 Polite word

43 ''---- my case''

44 Debatable

46 Graf ----

47 Word form for feather

49 Assuming it's true

50 Skirt feature

53 Krazy ----

54 Finial